Applications open on ecandidat.univ-paris1.fr starting Monday, Jan. 23rd
Due to some technical delays our official application system (ecandidat.univ-paris1.fr) is not open until Monday...

Admission 2023-2024
Early Admission : October 15th - November 1st early admision (Eiffel scholarship deadline) Regular admission...
How to apply
To apply for the Panthéon-Sorbonne Master's degree in Economics, students must provide the following:
- A detailed CV in English
- A cover letter describing interest in the programme, accomplishments, and future plans, specify if you would like to enroll in the PSME Financial Economics track, Development Track, International Track or which specialized M2 program you hope to do if this is your wish (max: one page)
- Certified English translations of academic transcripts (if they are issued in a language other than English or French)
- A copy of Bachelor's Degree in Economics (in case you are still an undergraduate student, please send us your transcript and as soon as you graduate and have your degree, send us a copy of it)
- GMAT or GRE score if available (especially if your undergraduate degree is not in Economics)
- An English language certificate: TOEFL scores (no older than 3 years, at least 550 for PBT; 80 for IBT; 213 for computer-based test) of at least 550 or another certificate deemed to be equivalent. If available, the TOEFL can be substituted by: PTE with an academic score of at least 54 or IELTS with an average score of at least 6.5
- Two letters of recommendation (in English)
- A copy of your passport or EU national ID
- The following application form, Please indicate in the application form if you would like to enroll in the PSME Financial Economics track, Development Track, International Track or other specialized M2 program you hope to do if this is your wish:
- Application Form 2025/2026 (Word, 20Ko)
- Information regarding an optional double enrollment in PSME + National M1 (PDF, 486 Ko)
- Application Instructions
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
All items of the application should be sent :
- by e-mail to psme.ees@univ-paris1.fr in one pdf file if you apply between October 15th and November 1st (early application required for Eiffel Scholarship applicants)
-Regular application period between January 27th and April 11th on ecandidat.univ-paris1.fr see Application Instructions.
Tuition Fees
There are no application fees. The tuition fee for the academic year of the PSME is set to 7000 euros:
If you are accepted by the admission committee, you will receive a link to pay these fees. The reservation fee is set to 1000 euros that you should pay within 3 months after your admission and at least before May 1st. You should pay the remaining fees by 15th July. Starting in 2018 all students enrolling in a higher education institution in France must pay CVEC fee (PDF 384 Ko) to support student life and campus life in France via https://cvec.etudiant.gouv.fr/. The CVEC fee is not collected by the University nor the PSME program.
The tuition fee covers 60 credits of courses in the Fall and the Spring semesters, which corresponds to what is required per year in the Bologna system.
Some outstanding students from developing countries and having financial difficulties can obtain a partial exemption to 1000 euros/year. You should provide your resource justification and a letter explaining your situation.
These fees do not cover photocopies, books, accommodation, health insurance, meals, or general expenses. However, reservation, library access and internet access will be provided.
Up to 60 students can be accepted in this programme.
All applications are examined and answered on an on-going basis. Hence the earlier you apply, the more likely you are to be accepted.
WARNING: It is highly recommended that candidates submit their application as early as possible. Given the success of the program we will probably open a waiting list before the April 14th deadline.
Note that early application is a prerequisite to be able to apply to scholarship programs, notably those offered by the French foreign affairs services.
Early application also guarantees your access to one of the student rooms that we pre-book for PSME students at the Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris.
Also note that the reservation fee has to be paid before the 1st of May and the remaining fees have to be paid by the 15th of July.
Selection Procedure
We examine applications on an on-going basis.
We will only consider your application after it is complete on ecandidat.univ-paris1.fr. The admissions are done on a rolling basis, so the earlier you apply, the better your chances of acceptance.If you do not hold an undergraduate degree in economics, but have a university degree involving math and/or economics, you may still apply. The admission committee will decide if your economic background is sufficient for the PSME program. All those fitting this description who have additionally achieved a high standing from their university are encouraged to apply.
Your proficiency in English is essential for the PSME program. If your mother tongue is English or you have been studying in English, you are exempted from providing an English certificate.
Starting for the 2025-2026 Academic year it is mandatory to complete your application at Campus France Etudes en France procedure if your country of residence is covered by the Etudes en France procedure.
The "Etudes en France" procedure involves students residing in the following countries and territories:
Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Nigeria, Peru, Qatar, Republic of Congo, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam.
18 th
year of PSME

Centre Pierre Mendès France
31, rue Baudricourt 75013 ParisPSME Panthéon-Sorbonne Master in Economics