Double Degree Master in Globalization and World Economics
The faculties of the University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and Fudan University in Shanghai, which are among the leading Economics Departments in their respective countries, have joined their efforts to organize an innovative international Double-Degree Masters Program in Economics, specialized in Chinese Economics and Sustainable Global Development.
This program aims to provide cutting-edge education in Economics at the master level and offers a truly global view on the development of the world economy. Since 2008 this program has successfully trained both non-Chinese and Chinese economists who will become key-experts in Euro-Chinese economic relations. Additionally, the students choosing this program benefit from a thorough understanding of both cultures through an immersion into two different study environments as they will spend one year studying at Paris 1 in the PSME program and 1 year studying at Fudan University in Shanghai. Students will receive after their graduation a master degree from each school.
English presentation of the Program (英文版)
The Double Degree Master Program in Economics specialized in World Economy and Global Sustainable Development is a full-time masters program organized through a partnership of two world-class universities, the University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne and Fudan University in Shanghai.
Programme objective and degrees awarded
The faculty of economics of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne University and the school of Economics of Fudan University, which are leading Economics Departments in their respective countries, have joined their efforts to organize an innovative Double-Degree Masters International Program in Economics specialized in Globalization and World Economy.
This program, starting in 2008, trains Chinese and non-Chinese economists who will become key experts in Euro-Chinese economic relations.Enrolment and class size
The targeted class size is 30 students in order to allow a high quality of teaching and selection of outstanding students. In the first year, students are enrolled in the PSME Program of Paris 1 University. In the second year, students study at the prestigious School of Economics at Fudan University in the Master Program in Economics with specialization World Economy.
Fudan University is one of the top Universities in China in the field of Economics.
Study duration
This programme is a complete fully integrated Master Program, stretching over two years. Students are required to spend their first academic year (3 semesters) at Université Paris 1 and the second academic year (2 semesters) at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.
The first academic year (fall, spring and summer semesters) will be organized in Paris 1 starting from October. For the first two semesters, students will be enrolled in the Panthéon-Sorbonne Master in Economics (PSME). Only students who will have successfully completed the first two semesters will be allowed to continue. For the third (summer) semester, they will be offered classes specifically organized for them, corresponding to core courses offered in the regular 2nd year program of the Master in Globalization Economics.
The second academic year (two semesters) will be organized at Fudan University starting from September and lasts until the end of June in the following year. For these two semesters, students will be enrolled in the "Fudan Master in Economics (2nd year) specialized in World Economy" program.
The whole program is worth 120 European Credits and 45 Chinese Credits.
Year 1 Schedule
The first semester of the program provides rigorous training in economic theory and consists of four large compulsory courses exposing students to both micro- and macroeconomics and econometrics at the graduate level. Thorough understanding of the material covered will be ensured through a combination of lectures and tutorials in small groups.
The second semester is devoted to study in more detail different economic domains, e.g. development economics, industrial economics or principles of finance, as well as the impacts of globalization on the European economy in courses such as European or Labor Economics.
Both semesters in the first year require compulsory Chinese lessons as an initial preparation for the second year in China. Another key component is a 8.000-word research dissertation to be written at the end of the first year in the Panthéon-Sorbonne Master in Economics.
Year 2 Schedule
The second year at Fudan University specializes on China, its relations with other Asian economies, as well as international finance.
EMA: Advanced Short Courses
Apart from the core courses at Fudan listed above, graduate students are also required by the School of Economics to choose at least three advanced short courses with topics covered ranging from the Chinese economy and global economic developments to quantitative methods. These lectures are financed by Shanghai's financial industry (e.g. Fudan - HSBC Economics Lectures) and are specifically designed for top-level students. For this purpose, the school invites professors from other global top institutions, who are often alumni, to hold lectures in their field of expertise.
Regularly invitees in recent years have been: Wing Thye Woo (UC Davis), Shang-Jin Wei (Columbia Business School, Columbia University, NYC), Francois Bourguignon (Paris School of Economics), Kose John (Stern School of Business, New York University), Hanming Fang (University of Pennsylvania), John Hassler (Stockholm University), Jiahua Che (Chinese University of Hong Kong) and others.
This year, for example, the following courses were offered:
- Development and Inequality
- Macroeconomic Crises of the 1970 - 2010 Period
- Insurance Economics
- The Climate and the Economy
- Analysis of the Chinese Economy
- Topics in International Macroeconomics
- Investment Analysis and Risk Management
For more information, please consult the following link and click on "Short Courses in English".
Master ThesisDuring the fifth semester students will prepare a 15.000-word Master dissertation under joint supervision of one professor from Fudan and one professor of Paris 1. The thesis will be defended in Shanghai at the end of this period (at the end of May) in front of a thesis defense committee consisting of at least one professor of Fudan and at least one professor of Paris 1. Students wishing to work directly after the master can complete an internship in the last semester and write an internship report in place of the master thesis.
Application and Selection
For International Students (except Chinese Students)
Application to the Double-Degree Master Program in Economics specialized in Globalization and World Economy consists of two steps:
Step 1:
The first year is the same as the PSME programme. Thus, Non-Chinese students should directly apply for the PSME program and state clearly in their letter of motivation that they want to join the Fudan program.
Please click here to follow the link for PSME application procedure and the list of required documents in the application dossier
Step 2:
As you are at the same time enrolled at Fudan University while studying in Paris, you will have to apply directly to Fudan University for the second year of the Double Degree Program. We will examine your application as for PSME applicants and Fudan University will examine your application from their end.
The application to Fudan University requires the following documents:
- Certified English translations of transcripts and the Bachelor Degree in Economics
- Statement of purpose describing the motivation for studying at Fudan University in the Double Degree
- Two letters of recommendation both in sealed envelopes from recommending professors
- Brief overview of hitherto academic research production (list of essays, papers, bachelor thesis produced)
- English level certificate (equivalent requirements as for PSME)
- Valid passport copy
- Two passport-sized photos
- Application fee
These documents need to be attached to the official application form.
Please click here to follow the link to the Application Form for International Students at Fudan University.
The duly signed Application Dossier for Fudan University has to be sent to:
By email:
As hard copy:
Room 417, International Programmes Office
Room 315, Graduate Education Office
School of Economics, Fudan University
600, Guoquan Road
Shanghai 200433, China
For Chinese Students Only
Chinese students who apply for Fudan program should directly apply in Opens external link in new windowFudan University. They should provide the following:
- Bachelor degree in economics or related discipline;
- English language proficiency, certified by English test scores of the national entrance exam or a TOEFL certificate (above 550 for PBT, 80 for IBT; 213 for computer-based test ) or a IELTS certificate (above 6.0);
- Either of the following proven academic records:
- Successful national entrance exams taken by candidates to Master programs in economics in Fudan.
- Outstanding students who are qualified to be exempt from Fudan entrance exams.
- Interviews by academic admission committee
Tuition Fees
Fee structure :
Students will pay their fees to the organization concerned before each academic year begins. The tuition does not cover students' travel, accommodation or textbooks.
Partial exemptions can be offered to outstanding students.
Payment :
If you are admitted to the Fudan program, the year of your application, you should pay:
Year 1 :
- €500 (to Paris 1) within 3 months after your admission and at least before 31 May.
- €6000 (to Paris 1) before 1st July
Year 2 :
- €2000 (to Paris 1) before 1st of July (for the Summer semester)
- €400 (to Paris 1) before 15th of July (for Paris 1 registration fee in the second year)
- ¥80000 (to Fudan) before 30th of August.
Internship and Career Opportunities
Many of our students find internships in Shanghai during the 2nd semester of master studies. You should begin your search as soon as you arrive in Shanghai and ask the double degree alumni for assistance and guidance. Networking is very important and the previous students have been in your shoes and will be happy to help.
International students may wish to apply for the EasyPass International Work or Intern Abroad probram.
Chinese presentation of the Program (中文版)
培养目标与授予学位: 巴黎一大和复旦经济学院在法国和中国在经济类的教学领域都有很高的声誉。这两个著名的大学一同开创"经济学(世界经济学专业)硕士双学位"联合培养项目。 这个项目从2008年开始,主要为了培养中国和其他国家的经济人才。将来会在中国和欧洲经济的发展中起到不可缺少的作用。
入学时间与招生人数: 每年招生人数限于30名。这样利于招收最优秀的学生和享受最高的教学质量。第一学年将在法国接受经济硕士学的课程 PSME Programme
学制: 整个项目为期两年。第一学年在巴黎一大学习(3个学期) ; 第二学年在复旦大学学习(2个学期)。 -
第一学年(秋、春、夏3学期)学生在巴黎一大学习,10月开学。在第一、二个学期,学 生进入巴黎一大经济学硕士一年级项目学习。该项目课程全部为英语授课,课程内容与正常的法国本土法语授课内容完全一致。同时学生应在这两个学期选修法语课 程。学生在通过所有第一、二学期的考试合格后,才能继续第三学期的学习。第三学期(暑期),巴黎一大专为此项目学生设置经济学(世界经济专业)二年级硕士 专业课程(英语授课),内容与正常的法国本土法语授课内容一致。
第二年 :第二学年(2个学期),学生在复旦大学学习,9月开学。在这两个学期中,学生进入复旦大学经济学(世界经济专业)硕士项目二年级学习。
- 希望参加此项目的中国学生应直接向复旦大学交报名材料,报名学生必须符合以下条件:
- 中国籍公民。
- 已获经济学及相关专业本科学历和学士学位。
- 证明优秀英语水平的有效官方文件:托福成绩(PBT550分以上,IBT80分以上,电脑考213分以上)或雅思成绩(6.0以上)或其他同等英语水平证明。
- 符合以下二条件之一:
- 参加复旦大学经济学院硕士研究生入学考试,成绩合格,复试面试合格。
- 符合复旦大学研究生院规定的推免生条件。
- 通过复旦大学经济学院与巴黎一大经济学院共同组织的教授面试。
- 其他希望参加此项目的外国学生应该直接向巴黎一大的经济学硕士项目报名。
成绩特别优秀的学生有机会得到部分学费的减免。付款方式 :
如果你被世界经济专业硕士双学位联合培养项目录取,在你报名的一年你要缴纳 :
第一学年 :
- €1000 第一年注册费(付给巴黎一大),在你收到录取通知书的3个月内,最晚在6月15日前缴纳。
- €5500 第一、二学期学费(付给巴黎一大),最晚在7月1日前缴纳。
第二学年 :- €2000 暑期学费(付给巴黎一大),最晚在第一学年的7月1日前缴纳。
- €400 第二年的学籍管理费(付给巴黎一大),最晚在第一学年的7月15日前缴纳。
- ¥80000 第二年学费(付给复旦大学),最晚在8月30日前缴纳。